SIA Select: The Official Guide to SIA Members

SIA Select 2020: Guide to SIA Members

SIA Select is the official guide to SIA member companies. Use this guide to find the best suppliers, partners and vendors for security products, solutions and services. Inside this guide are hundreds of product and services firms, and as SIA members, they are leaders committed to professionalism.

Among SIA’s more than 1,000 members, you’ll find some of the largest firms and some of the newest players operating in our industry. SIA is proud of the diversity of our members, and we applaud their commitment to driving our industry forward and keeping this nation and the world safe. To our members: We thank you!

This publication, SIA Select, includes all SIA members and is designed to help introduce you to new partners and new suppliers to help you solve your security challenges or grow your business. We hope you use this publication to find your next opportunity or solve that remaining security challenge!

Note: SIA Select reflects members as of Feb. 25, 2020. For the most current list, visit our online searchable directory of SIA members.
