Home Automation: Boom and Challenges

Security Industry Association (SIA)

The recent growth in the home automation market benefits the security industry. More installations mean growth for the businesses that manufacture, sell, install and service security systems. At the same time, additional growth presents challenges if companies entering the home automation market come from outside the security space.

Multiple speakers at two recent industry events—ISC West and the Consumer Electronics Show—spoke about the continued growth of home automation, including the newer technologies and how to tie security systems to home automation. The equipment and how to safely and successfully integrate the different systems will continue to evolve in the years ahead.

It’s important to remember that security is about life safety for our customers. Other devices are mostly for convenience or lifestyle improvement. The primary focus on home automation places that as the first responsibility of companies providing those services—not the features supported by professional security companies.

While security professionals can add home automation features to an installation, it is more complex for home automation companies to add security features. Regardless, enhanced expertise is necessary to install and service extra features properly and address the burden and complexity of integrating the components successfully.

At SIAC, we pay particular attention to proper installation and maintenance of alarm systems, along with high-quality monitoring practices and training (for employees and customers, when it comes to properly operating their alarm system). Wrapped up in this, the security industry faces a big challenge—continuing to build on our progress in improving alarm management practices.

Home automation will continue to impact the security industry for the foreseeable future. We are stronger because of the additional technologies this market segment provides consumers that piggyback on our bread and butter. Continuing to educate home automation companies on alarm management best practices will take time. We’re here to help! A good first step is always heading to SIAC’s website at http://www.siacinc.org, and we encourage you to take a look or share our site with others who might benefit from the advice, training and resources SIAC provides.

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