Meet, connect and engage at SIAThere! Networking EVENTS
The SIAThere! series of free in-person networking events brings together the security industry and give you the opportunity to stay connected throughout the year. Attending a SIAThere! will help you meet new people, build business connections and network with other security professionals – and we are coming to a city near you!
Upcoming SIAThere! Events:
Feb. 20: JOin US FOR SIATHERE! la-Irvine
SIAThere! is coming to the Los Angeles, California, area! Join SIA members and regional security professionals in Irvine at this industry-wide, free networking event generously sponsored by Hanwha Vision and build relationships with a diverse group of industry professionals over complimentary food and drinks.
Event Details
- Date and Time: Thursday, Feb. 20 | 5:00–7:30 p.m. (PST)
- Location: 100 Spectrum Center Drive #670, Irvine, CA 92618
- Cost: Free
Feb. 27: JOin US FOR SIATHERE! Raleigh
SIAThere! is coming to Raleigh! Join SIA members and regional security professionals at Boon Edam's HQ at this industry-wide, free networking event generously sponsored by Boon Edam and build relationships with a diverse group of industry professionals over complimentary food and drinks.
Event Details
- Date and Time: Thursday, Feb. 27 | 5:30–7:30 p.m. (EST)
- Location: 421 North Harrington Street, Suite 500, Raleigh, NC 27603
- Cost: Free
Networking Events in the D.C. Area:
Feb. 20: Join SIA NCRSF for a Security Industry Mixer
You are invited to join the SIA National Capital Region Security Forum (NCRSF) for a free industry networking event in the Washington, D.C., area. Meet and connect with fellow security professionals over complimentary drinks and hors d'oeuvres at this event generously sponsored by BCD and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise and held at the Convergint Penthouse in McLean, Virginia.
Event Details
- Date and Time: Thursday, Feb. 20, 6-8 p.m. (EST)
- Location: Convergint Penthouse, 1676 International Drive, Floor 13, McLean, VA 22102
- Cost: Free
Need assistance with registration? Contact us!
For assistance with registration or questions about SIAThere! events, please contact us at events@securityindustry.org.
Awesome! We would love to work with you in putting together a fantastic event. Please contact Ozzie Kocak at okocak@securityindustry.org.