SIA Board of Directors Updates Bylaws to Enhance Member Engagement
On March 23, 2021, the Security Industry Association (SIA) Board of Directors unanimously approved several amendments to the SIA Bylaws to better reflect association best practices and increase overall member engagement.
Among the key approved changes, the SIA Nominations Committee will manage a formal process for SIA members to recommend individuals for consideration as potential members of the SIA Board of Directors. The process for recommending candidates to the Nominations Committee will be announced at least 120 days prior to SIA’s annual membership meeting, The Advance. The Nominations Committee also now has the option of presenting a slate of candidates that exceeds the number of available board positions in any nominations cycle, thus providing members with more choice among candidates.
Several changes were made to SIA’s committee structure such as the formal recognition of the Women in Security Forum and RISE as unique member “communities” considered essential to SIA’s growth, and the inclusion of advisory boards pertaining to priority areas of focus such as cybersecurity, data privacy, and identity and biometrics. The revised SIA Bylaws reflect two important modifications to existing SIA committees: the rebranding of the Education and Training Committee to the more contemporary Learning and Development Committee and the updated mission for the Marketing and Membership Committee. The new Member Engagement and Experience Committee will focus entirely on methods to improve the process for onboarding members through various points of entry into SIA and actively engage each member throughout their SIA experience.
Finally, the revised SIA Bylaws made changes to certain responsibilities of officers serving on the SIA Executive Committee. The position formerly known as Vice-Chairman has been revised to “At Large Officer” with this individual also serving as a Board of Directors liaison to SIA’s foundation. The SIA Chair-Elect will also serve as chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, and the Immediate Past Chair’s role is codified within the bylaws as chair of the Nominations Committee.