Change in SIA Membership Dues Program

We greatly appreciate the frequent feedback provided by Security Industry Association (SIA) members about the value they place upon the quality of SIA member benefits, which have expanded noticeably in recent years. SIA’s mission is to serve as a catalyst for success, and it is gratifying that members have experienced increased value and ROI from our first-class networking events, professional research, relevant training opportunities, compelling standards and technology content and robust advocacy program. Member involvement and our dedicated committee leaders and staff have together built a unique value proposition and very special SIA community.
While the costs of providing these services enjoyed by members have increased annually, there has not been any increase in SIA dues for many years. Accordingly, the SIA Board of Directors has approved a modest 10% increase in each dues category beginning in January 2024.
The decision to increase dues was based in part on keeping pace with general economic conditions, as well as maintaining the high level of quality programs, products and services, especially in light of substantial growth in new members in recent years. Further, this dues increase will support SIA in developing more key programs that will help our members to succeed and move the industry forward.