CSPM Exam Schedule

Certified Security Project Manager (CSPM)

Earn the Certification You Deserve

Taking the CSPM Exam

CSPMs exams can be taken at your convenience in your area at approved Kryterion testing centers, but SIA also offers an in-person CSPM exam option at different times throughout the year and at the conclusion of each Security Project Management (SPM) training seminar. For more in-depth info, see our full description of the process to getting CSPM certified.

To sign up for an exam:

  1. Review requirements and complete the application found in our CSPM Candidate Information Brochure.
  2. Submit application and then contact SIA Director of Education and Training Kimberly Roberts at 301-804-4708 or kroberts@securityindustry.org.
  3. Receive approval and pay application fee of $325.
  4. Register with SIA for an in-person CSPM exam OR register for CSPM exam at a Kryterion testing center and pay the exam testing fee ($125).

get starTed: CSPM application

CSPM In-Person Exam Dates

Many of the following CSPM in-person exam dates are preceded by the opportunity to take our Security Project Manager (SPM) training seminar.

August 8, 2018 - Silver Spring, Maryland

Location: SIA Headquarters

Registration closes: August 3 at 5 pm ET

September 14, 2018 - Chicago, Illinois

Location: Axis Experience Center

Registration closes: September 7 at 5 pm ET