Comments on Latest Proposed Tariffs on Chinese Goods Under Section 301 of the Trade Act

The Security Industry Association (SIA) filed comments with the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) expressing concerns with the latest series of tariffs proposed by the Trump administration. While supportive of efforts to address unfair Chinese trade practices, SIA is concerned that escalating tariffs are counterproductive, ultimately harming U.S. businesses – a position shared by leading business groups such as the National Association of Manufacturers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
SIA’s comments detail member concerns surrounding the impact on the security industry from the latest proposal to impose up to 25 percent in additional tariffs on approximately $200 billion in goods imported from China, targeting a number of key security products that are widely imported, such as alarm and access control components and smoke detectors. SIA urges USTR to remove 29 product categories from the tariff list that are directly related to security products.