Letter of Support for Student and Teacher Safety Act
The Security Industry Association (SIA) has expressed its support for H.R. 8009, the Student and Teacher Safety Act of 2022, which clarifies that states and local educational agencies may use existing federal grant funds through the U.S. Department of Education to make school safety infrastructure improvements. The legislation would fully authorize and encourage schools to use Title IV, Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) block grant funding for school safety infrastructure.
In a June 8, 2022, letter to Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.), who introduced the bill, SIA CEO Don Erickson discussed the importance of modern, effective security infrastructure in taking a comprehensive approach to school safety and applauded the bill for taking important steps to ensure taxpayer funding appropriately supports the implementation and improvement of school safety and security infrastructure. The letter also recommended that schools and districts use the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS) Safety and Security Guidelines for K-12 Schools when developing, evaluating and seeking funding for their school safety strategies.