Security Market Index: March/April 2023 Edition

Four in Five Security Leaders Hold Positive View in March/April Report
With expectations high for the first postpandemic ISC West, and the ensuing business year, the March/April Security Market Index (SMI) survey of security professionals found that 80% of respondents have a positive view of the industry’s current condition. An even higher number, meanwhile, forecast improvements during the next three months, while fewer than one in 20 expect conditions to decline.

SIA thanks Wesco for supporting the Security Market Index.
This month, 32% of security professionals rated current business conditions as being “excellent,” 49% said they were “good” and 14% said they were “average.”
The SMI measures security industry executives’ current status and future expectations through a select survey of SIA members. The Index’s goal is to provide a macro-view of confidence levels in the security industry every two months while closely examining six specific business measures:
- Number of employees or hours worked
- Marketing spending
- Product production or service output
- Capital equipment spending
- R&D spending
- Product or service sales
Special focuses of SIA’s March/April 2023 SMI include:
- Market confidence updates for the video surveillance and systems integration sectors
- Forecasts for which verticals have the greatest growth potential over the next few years