SIA RISE Presents: The ISC West 2024 Survival Guide

Headed to ISC West for your first time? Here are some top tips from SIA’s RISE community to help you prepare for the upcoming conference!
- Dress for success: ISC West is known for long days with little time to get back to your hotel room. Be sure to wear something you feel confident and comfortable in – both for the show floor and for any happy hours, client dinners or networking events happening later in the day. Your outfit choice may depend on what is planned for the day, but you can expect to see show attendees in everything from jeans and a polo to full business attire. When packing, keep in mind your goals, company culture and schedule. For example, booth duty may have you wearing a company polo, whereas show floor networking may lend itself more to business casual apparel.
- Don’t miss out on special events or educational sessions: Events such as the SIA RISE Happy Hour and SIA Women in Security Forum Keynote only happen once a year, so you won’t want to miss the chance to join, network and get to know some of the industry’s most highly regarded individuals. Additionally, there will not be another time you will have access to so much education at your fingertips. Plan to attend as many conference sessions as possible to expand your industry horizons and check out the Career Zone for free educational content all week long.
- Plan your visits: Map out a few of the must-visit booths and exhibits before you even arrive, then work down in order of priority to create a list of who you will visit and who you want to visit. This way, you get the most out of your time during show hours!
- Don’t forget your business cards: Whether they are physical cards or the new mobile-enabled ones, make sure to always have these on hand. If you do forget them, the LinkedIn mobile app has a cool feature where you can scan a QR code and become instant LinkedIn connections!
- Create a plan for strategic networking: Create a list of individuals you would like to meet and add to your network. You can even go one step further and create a one-page dossier on each person with a screenshot of their profile picture and where you might find them. Then, when you have a lull between meetings or sessions, pull out your list and go meet some new people!