
Refer to important correspondence and other material documents for details on the latest in the security industry.

Security Industry Association (SIA)

SIA CA SB 327 Opposition Letter Related to IoT Regulation in California

In May 2017, the Security Industry Association (SIA) opposed CA SB 327, The Teddy Bear and Toaster Act, which would have imposed heavy burdens on manufacturers and sellers of devices, sensors, and equipment capable of connecting to the internet (IoT devices).

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Multi-Association Letter in Support of H.R. 1636 School Safety Act

A collaborative letter written to express strong support for H.R. 1636, the School Safety Act, which reauthorizes the school security matching grant under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968

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Security Industry Association (SIA)

SSA PASS Cost Estimates

The “PASS Safety and Security Guidelines for K-12 Schools” whitepaper provides tiered recommendations for school security divided into location and technology layers. The cost estimates document lists the approximate amount that schools in each state can expect to spend to achieve the level of security defined by a given tier.

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