SIA Weighs in on Key OMB Guidance on Use of Artificial Intelligence by Federal Agencies

On Dec. 5, 2023, the Security Industry Association (SIA) responded to the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB’s) request for comment on a draft memorandum providing guidance and instructions to federal agencies for implementing the Biden administration’s Executive Order for Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI).
While supportive of OMB’s goals “to strengthen the effective and appropriate use of AI, advance AI innovation, and manage risks from AI in the Federal Government,” SIA offers three additional recommendations to improve the guidance. These include:
- Providing agencies with more flexibility to tailor risk mitigation in greater alignment with the National Institute of Standards and Technology Risk Management Framework
- Clarifying key definitions to ensure new requirements appropriately focus on applications that are truly high-risk
- Adjusting requirements related to developer data disclosure to shield IP and proprietary information and better protect data security
SIA thanks the SIA Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board and other key members for their in-depth analysis and insights provided in support of the comment.