U.S. Department of Justice Accepting 2019 School Security Grant Applications

The School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP) is currently accepting school safety and security grants provided by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Applications are being accepted through May 31 for 2019 grants.
The SVPP was created by the STOP School Violence Act enacted in 2018.
DOJ also released analysis of the 91 grant awards made to recipients in 33 states in 2018. The most common project elements were camera systems, access controls, communications technology, training and visitor management technologies.
For 2019, school districts can apply directly to the program, an important clarification supported by the Security Industry Association (SIA) and stakeholders in the education community.
On April 22 at 1 p.m. EDT, DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Assistance will host a webinar for potential grant applicants sharing details and guidance. The session will discuss the purpose, goals and eligibility for these funding opportunities and address attendee questions.
For more information, check out SIA’s school security grants page.