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Why SIA Opposes Massachusetts’ Far-Reaching Facial Recognition Technology Prohibition Bill

Massachusetts’ Joint Committee on the Judiciary held a hearing on Oct. 22, 2019, to consider S. 1385/H. 1538, an extreme ban on facial recognition technology prohibiting any government entity or employee at the state and local level throughout the commonwealth from “acquiring, accessing or using the technology or any information derived from it by another…

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School Security Resources from Security Industry Association
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Federal Funding Bill Advances, Including Funding Increase for School Violence Prevention Programs

On May 22, the U.S. House Appropriations Committee approved its Fiscal Year 2020 Commerce-Science-Justice funding bill, which would provide $125 million for programs authorized by the STOP School Violence Act, an overall increase of $25 million or 25% compared to 2019. The programs include Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) grants for mental health training and…

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school security

Federal School Security Grants From the School Violence Prevention Program


New Resource: SIA Guide to School Security Funding Updated November 2023 More than ever before, education leaders are seeking security enhancements to their facilities as part of their comprehensive school safety strategies. The Security Industry Association (SIA) is pleased to introduce the SIA Guide to School Security Funding in response to the need for more centralized information…

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Border security
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House Homeland Security Committee Passes SIA-Backed Border Security Bill


The Security Industry Association (SIA) endorsed H.R. 3548, the Border Security for America Act of 2017 (BSAA), authored by House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul, R.-Texas, and co-sponsored by 70 members of Congress. The House Homeland Security Committee gave the bill a favorable report on Oct. 4. On Wednesday, McCaul said the bill would authorize…

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Security Industry Association (SIA)
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Crucial Power Supply Exemption One Step Closer to Enactment

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Despite the July 1 expiration of an energy efficiency exemption for security/life-safety power supplies, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently confirmed it will not take any related enforcement actions in light of action in Congress on H.R. 511/S.190, the Power and Security Systems (PASS) Act. In the latest action, the U.S. Senate passed S.…

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