Key State Legislation Trends for the Security Industry to Watch in 2024

With state legislative sessions across the country well underway, policymakers are grappling with a myriad of issues that security industry leaders and companies should be paying close attention to. Several key themes have already emerged at the forefront of legislative agendas so far in 2024 ranging from artificial intelligence and biometrics to right to repair and school security funding. These trends reflect the ever-evolving needs and concerns of state-level elected officials, and the security industry remains a key stakeholder in the discussions.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our daily lives, from virtual assistants and simple chatbots to autonomous vehicles and beyond; however, with great technological advancements come great responsibilities. States are increasingly focusing on studying and in some cases even regulating AI to ensure it is used ethically and responsibly. While AI was barely on the minds of state legislators in recent years, so far in 2024 alone, we have seen over 200 bills filed across the country that in some way attempt to study and or regulate AI.
As AI continues to drive emerging technologies in the security industry, it is imperative that we as an industry engage with lawmakers and regulators to provide recommendations and guide development towards an approach that balances a defined risk management framework and promotes ethical AI applications. We also need to continue to urge caution over potential overregulation that could stifle innovation and reduce access to security and life safety products and technologies.
In 2024, we see a surge in legislative efforts aimed at addressing the ethical implications of AI. States are deliberating laws that govern AI in various sectors, including health care, transportation, education and criminal justice. These regulations aim to protect consumer privacy, prevent algorithmic discrimination and promote transparency in AI systems.
In 2023, the Security Industry Association (SIA) launched the SIA Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board with the mission of engaging on emerging AI issues and developing definitions and standards for the industry in this constantly evolving sector of our industry.
Right to Repair
In an era dominated by technology, the right to repair movement has resulted in proposals that would inadvertently force manufacturers of electronic security devices and systems to disclose proprietary equipment and security information. This would expose consumers and small businesses to potential harm by allowing information necessary for disabling or circumventing these systems to make it into the public domain.
While many states have rejected overly broad right to repair legislation, upon hearing our industry’s concerns, all three U.S. states (New York, California and Minnesota) that have adopted right to repair laws for electronic devices have included provisions to exempt our industry and/or protect our products and technologies.
While no state has adopted broad right to repair provisions without protecting our industry’s technologies, we are still seeing an unprecedented number of states consider such legislation. In 2023 we saw the introduction of legislation directed towards electronic devices in roughly 35 states, and in 2024 we’re expecting more than 40 based on the current trend and filings.
While we understand the intent of right to repair legislation and acknowledge the importance of reducing electronic waste, SIA will continue to work with industry leaders and allied organizations to address risks to public safety proposed by legislation that does not adequately protect security and life safety systems.
School Security
Sadly, the safety of students and school faculty has become a much-needed area of improvement for state legislatures in recent years. As we continue to navigate the complex landscape of school security, state legislatures seem more committed than ever to implementing comprehensive solutions that prioritize safety and security for our students, faculty and school facilities.
So far in 2024, every state legislature is grappling with legislative measures aimed at enhancing school security through funding opportunities and security requirements around policies and technologies. These measures include investments in physical security infrastructure, such as cameras, door hardware and access control systems, as well as the implementation of threat assessment protocols and emergency response training.
While we generally are supportive of state efforts in this space, there has been a concerning new trend of late which centers around states attempting to adopt legislation to not only allow, but actually fund and promote the use of temporary door barricade devices for classroom doors. While use of these devices stems from a desire to inexpensively secure a classroom, this ultimately leaves classrooms more vulnerable and creates more risks than necessary. For more information, check out the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS) resources on these devices and safer, code-compliant alternatives.
SIA will continue to engage and support the development of school security standards and funding across the country and will work diligently to maintain the SIA Guide to School Security Funding annually for industry and school leaders alike.
In conclusion, the legislative trends at the state level in 2024 reflect the evolving needs and priorities of our country’s lawmakers. From regulating artificial intelligence to adopting right to repair and ensuring school security, state lawmakers are addressing complex issues, and our industry can be affected, even if unintentionally.
As these legislative efforts continue to unfold, it is imperative as an industry to remain vigilant and engaged in the democratic process. If you’d like to get more involved in SIA’s advocacy efforts or connect with SIA’s government relations team, please contact Associate Director of Government Relations Colby Williams at