U.S. Public Opinion Research on the Support of Facial Recognition

Most Americans support facial recognition according to new research
Leading independent polling firm Schoen Cooperman Research recently conducted the most extensive nationwide poll yet on Americans’ views of facial recognition technology.
The August 2020 survey of 1,000 U.S. adults found majority support for use of the technology across a wide range of public safety, security and convenience applications.
Commissioned by SIA, this public opinion research provides insights relevant to debates over acceptable uses of technologies like facial recognition algorithms and software that are enhanced by artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as concerns about racial bias.
Summary of Findings on Facial Recognition
- 68% say it can make society safer
- 70% believe facial recognition is accurate in identifying people of all races and ethnicities
- 69% support use by TSA and for airport security
- 70% are comfortable with its use to improve security at their workplace
- 63% support use by homeowners in their home security systems
Law Enforcement:
- 66% believe law enforcement’s use of facial recognition is appropriate
- 54% believe that facial recognition technology can limit human bias in law enforcement
- 57% were comfortable with its use in a database that includes their facial image, if for a public safety purpose.
For more key findings, download the full summary.
Topline Survey Results
The demographically representative sample of U.S. adults were asked more than 36 wide-ranging questions on their perception of the technology, and opinions on specific uses of facial recognition by private businesses, government agencies, law enforcement, and other organizations. For more details, download the full results.
Highlights of Results
A one-page summary of key findings and facial recognition statistics from the survey is available.