Posts by Kevin Murphy
SIA Membership: The Power of Participation
Last week, I introduced you to the SIA Value Equation: V = A + I + C (P) Value = Aggregate + Integrate + Create x Participate Also last week, I shared my thoughts on the first variable in that equation: Aggregate. Aggregation makes us winners. Next up in our winning equation: We integrate. As…
Keep Reading »SIA Membership: You Don’t Need to Be Einstein to Understand Value
V = A + I + C (P) Well, this equation might not have the same impact as E=mc2, but it does have more relevance for your business, relatively speaking. It’s the equation we use to provide perspective on how we create value for belonging to the Security Industry Association (SIA). The value of SIA,…
Keep Reading »Benefits Beyond the Obvious: Sharpening Your Peripheral Vision
Broadly speaking, whenever you personally and actively participate with a group of any kind, your performance typically tends to improve. So, for example, when you exercise with others as a group, you personally tend to shed weight and tone up faster, as opposed to going it alone. There is an inherent dynamic within the group. Similarly,…
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