SIA Testimony on Facial Recognition Technology: Ensuring Commercial Transparency and Accuracy
SIA testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform on Jan. 15, 2020, on the use of facial recognition technology, its potential implications and possible legislative solutions to avoid risks.
Keep Reading »Coalition Letter Opposing a Moratorium on Facial Recognition Technology
SIA, in partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and several other organizations, has urged Congress to collaborate with all stakeholders to address concerns raised by facial recognition technology and provide a consistent set of rules across the United States rather than issue a moratorium on the technology.
Keep Reading »SIA Signs Multi-Organization Letter to Congress on Facial Recognition
SIA has urged Congress to consider viable alternatives to bans on facial recognition to allow safe, accurate and effective use of the technology.
Keep Reading »Opposition Letter to Massachusetts Law on Temporary Locking Devices in Classrooms
The Security Industry Association has expressed concerns with Massachusetts HB 3871, which would amend state law to include “temporary door locking devices” for public schools to use in classrooms.
Keep Reading »Opposition Letter to Wisconsin Law on Classroom Barricade Devices
The Security Industry Association has expressed concerns with Wisconsin AB 44, which would amend state law to allow public schools to use “barricade devices” in classrooms.
Keep Reading »SIA, ALAS and CANASA Letter of Support for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
The Security Industry Association, the Latin American Security Association and the Canadian Security Association formed a coalition to urge the U.S. Congress to approve the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement promptly.
Keep Reading »SIA Support Letter for S. 379
S. 379 would help address the security skills gap and strengthen the nation’s labor force by allowing individuals to have greater flexibility in pursuing educational and career development opportunities.
Keep Reading »U.S. Chamber of Commerce Coalition Support Letter for U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement
The Security Industry Association joined a group of organizations to support the USMCA, which will preserve and strengthen trade ties to Canada and Mexico.
Keep Reading »ANSI/SIA CP-01-2019 Standard
ANSI/SIA CP-01 is a security system standard designed to reduce false alarms. The newest version features guidance for handling informative signals and definitions for remote devices to reduce the frequency of false alarm dispatches and is applicable to security systems that are not panel specific.
Keep Reading »Letter in Support of FY20 Funding for STOP School Violence Act Programs
The Security Industry Association joined a stakeholder coalition of parent groups and organizations to encourage a funding increase for STOP School Violence Act programs.
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