Perimeter Security Subcommittee

perimeter securityThe Perimeter Security Subcommittee guides the Security Industry Association’s (SIA’s) support for nationwide and international efforts to prevent hostile vehicle attacks. From crowded public spaces or critical infrastructure sites to government facilities, the subcommittee works to identify best practices, assess current threats and solutions and provide stakeholders with the latest on safety and security standards from governments and industry. The Perimeter Security Subcommittee has also established the following working groups:

Threat, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Working Group

Purpose: Guide and draft a document to provide relevant guidance on conducting security threat, vulnerability and risk assessments (TVRAs.) The project includes the following deliverables:

  • A primer for leaders and non-security professionals on security TVRAs
  • TVRA for non-security practitioners (security checklist)
  • TVRA for security practitioners (security TVRA)
  • Planned TVRA vs. urgent/crisis assessment
  • Security TVRA terminology consistent with guidance from DHS and other agencies
  • Cross-discipline consistency

Perimeter Security Terminology Working Group

Purpose: Review terms used in the fencing and related industry specialties such as “anti-climb,” “anti-cut” and “anti-scale” and consider recommending performance requirements to better define and clarify assessing perimeter security products. It was suggested to consider reviewing ASTM-F2781 as a possible source of guidance.

Temporary Barrier Working Group

Purpose: Review requirements surrounding temporary barrier usage and portable barrier deployments and consider harmonizing guidance on  safety and best practices within North America.

Installation, Repair and Maintenance Guideline Working Group

Purpose: Develop a guideline to help educate end users and specifiers on the importance of professional and certified installation services as well as continual maintenance and repair of perimeter security products over the lifecycle of the solution. Emphasis includes standardizing guidelines for manufacturing and an overview of factors that might compromise the crash rating of an installed product over time.


  • Hosted Perimeter PREVENT, a free daylong symposium examining critical issues related to perimeter defense for physical environments, including government and commercial facilities, critical infrastructure, events and more
  • Developed project plan to develop a security threat, vulnerability and risk assessment
  • Hosted a Perimeter Security Roundtable at ISC West, an open forum where guests and members of the subcommittee discussed challenges and opportunities facing the industry
  • Participated on three panels during SIA GovSummit and co-hosted an event with CHC Global and the University of Maryland’s National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) with Figen Murray, OBE, as the keynote